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Course Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Section 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Section 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.


1. What is a definition of "togetherness" and "intimacy" as they could be explained in a couples therapy session?
2. What are three examples how entanglement results when togetherness is selected over intimacy?
3. What are four influencing factors in couples therapy, to optimize the therapeutic alliance?
4. What are four examples of couples communication that can result in marital conflict?
5. What are five filters that affect perceptions in couples communication?
6. What is a benefit couples experience as a result of using the speaker-listener technique?
7. What are five disengaged couple communication styles that can result in arguments?
8. What are the key assumptions that can help couples approach learning steps to solve problems together?
9. What are the steps in problem-solving behaviors regarding changes in relationship satisfaction?
10. Impasses are characterized by what behaviors?
11. What are five conflict management strategies to use with couple’s unresolved conflicts?
12. What are three areas of resistance to interpersonal enjoyment couples may experience?


A. The Parent-Child Marriage, The Stormy Marriage, and The "Perfect" Marriage.
When partners cling to each other in emotional dependency, scared to disagree because they fear their differences will break the marriage apart.
C. Escalation, invalidation, negative interpretations, and withdrawal and avoidance
Allegiance, Unbalancing, Implications of a Disagreement, and Gender Differences.
E. Both partners gain confidence, knowing that they can use their new skills to handle any difficult discussions that come their way.
F. Distractions, emotional states, beliefs and expectations, differences in style, and self-protection
G. All have problems, who approach problems as a team are more effective at problem solving, and rushing to find answers does not produce lasting solutions.
H. Control and Power, Caring, Recognition, Commitment, and Integrity.
I. In these impasses, each partner displays consistent rigid positions, irrationality, and the inability to empathize with each other.
J. Statements that are heard, Agenda Setting, Brainstorming, Agreement and Compromise, and Follow-Up.
K. Being Busy, Play is for Kids, and Conflict..
L. Lack of Time, "We’re Not Friends, We’re Married", Not Talking Like Friends Anymore, The Ravages of Conflict, and Reckless Words.

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Additional post test questions for Psychologists, Ohio Counselors, and Ohio MFT’s